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Deliverable 11: Description of the demonstrative adaptation measures implemented in the project

GeneralAgricultura, Bosques

One of the main objectives of the Life MEDACC project is to test adaptation measures in water use, agriculture and forest management through demonstrative activities performed in the three watersheds. As a result, the project will innovatively contribute to validate for first time how acting and investing at the present can help the territory to resist impacts of climate change in the future. The demonstrative activities will be performed in different pilot sites representative of the watersheds in terms of major forest and agricultural species and their derived ecological, social and economical value. The objective of these activities is to quantify and demonstrate management strategies making forest and agricultural systems more resilient to climate change. By establishing managed and control test plots, we test different management practices and we compare the development of the vegetation.

The involvement of local stakeholders in the design, performance and monitoring of the demonstrative activities provides relevance and ensures future replicability of the measures, methods and policies in other areas of the watersheds.