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Poster Award REMEDIA IV Workshop 2015


In the last edition of REMEDIA ( held in Madrid ( between 23-25 March, Dra. Carmen Biel, of the Environmental Horticulture IRTA, was invited to participate as a speaker at the roundtable about the situation of mitigation of greenhouse gases in the agroforestry sector.

In parallel, Inmaculada Funes presented the poster "Evaluation of woody crops biomass such as carbon stock in the Mediterranean basin" (Funes, I;. Savé, R., Vayreda, J., Aranda, X., Batlles, C., Comas Ll., Grace, M., Retana, J., Grau, B., of Herralde, F. & Biel, C.), jointly developed by Environmental Horticulture IRTA and CREAF in the project MINECO CARBOSTOCK, and scored one of prizes for the best poster of the meeting.

These results, now continued under the Project Life MEDACC, can be the basis for future assessments of flows at the level of farming systems, which may allow objectify mitigation policies on climate change.