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Why do the rivers carry water when there is not rain?

GeneralBoscos, Control d'aigües

As part of the Natura Setmana (@setmananatura) and the Green Week (#EUGreenWeek), CREAF has prepared an informative video to explain the importance of aquifers and the presence of forests in regulating the water cycle.

The regulation of the water quality and quantity of the rivers is one of the most important ecosystem services provided by forests. The different forest vegetation stratum (trees, shrubs and pastures) reduce the speed with which raindrops impact on the soil, and also the speed with which the water runs over. This increases the ability of soil to infiltrate water into the aquifers and reduces erosion.

As a result, when there is forest, the risk of flooding in episodes of heavy rainfall is reduced. Furthermore, although in general less water reaches the rivers, its quality improves.

CREAF researchers from the Life MEDACC project have participated in the making of the video. This Life project studies various strategies for adaptation to climate change to make the water use in forest, agricultural and urban systems more efficient. The Life MEDACC project is coordinated by the Catalan Office for Climate Change (OCCC), receives funding from the European Union, and count with two more partners, the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (IPE-CSIC) and the Institute of Research and Technology (IRTA).