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Catalan Office for Climate Change

The Catalan Office for Climate Change (OCCC) is the technical instrument of the Catalan Government to promote and coordinate mitigation plans and climate change strategies in Catalonia based on European commitments. In addition, it contributes to the accomplishment of the Kyoto Protocol objectives in Spain.

Recently, OCCC has developed the Catalan Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation (ESCACC 2013-2020).

In MEDACC, OCCC will coordinate the project development and partner contributions. It will undertake, the institutional relationships, the stakeholder links and the impact of project results in the Catalan environmental policies.


Salvador Samitier i Martí

Head of the Catalan Office for Climate Change Email

Gabriel Borràs Calvo

Head of the OCCC Adaptation Area Email

Gemma Cantos Font

Technician of the OCCC Adaptation Area Email

Victoria de la Parte Hueso

Technician of the administrative staff of the Territory and Sustainability Department Email