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Regeneration and reuse of runoff and drainage water in agricultural plots by combined natural water treatment systems

LIFE REAGRITECHLIFE Reagritech 11ENV/ES/57901.Jan.2014 to 31.Dec.2016

REAGRITECH aims to demonstrate a method for recycling water resources at parcel scale, in order to optimize the resources for its best use in the ecosystem and therefore achieve a sustainable and integrated river basin, by improving the chemical characteristics of the reused water and, therefore improve the natural environment surrounding them.

LIFE MEDACC and LIFE REAGRITECH relationship to date consisted in the participation in the final meeting of the project the 14 December 2016. The establishment of the collaboration will take place during 2017: a pilot is set to be moved from Sudanell (Lleida) to Torre Marimon (Caldes de Montbui) to enlarge the test conditions of the pilot built, and tested in the Reagritech project in the REAGRITECH project with a different type of water with high nitrate concentrations.

The results would interest the MEDACC project if they facilitate the extensive use of this type of waters, which have not been covered in the project.

Jordi Morató, Catedra Unesco de Sostenibilitat
