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Sharing Awareness and Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change in Spain

LIFE SHARA01.Sep.2017 to 28.Feb.2021

LIFE SHARA "Sharing Awareness and Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change in Spain" aims to build a society highly capacitated to adapt to climate change, through the cooperation among all relevant actors, knowledge generation and awareness rising.

LIFE SHARA project straightens and gives continuity to the existing climate change adaptation plans and initiatives. Thereby, it is considered to be a part of the Third Work Program (2014-2020) of the Spanish National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (approved in 2006) and a contribution to the Portuguese National Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation (adopted in 2015). Moreover, it will promote and straighten the use of the web platform AdapteCCa, a tool for exchange of information and knowledge in the field of climate change adaptation in Spain, launched in 2013.

On the other hand, the project aims to facilitate the decisionmaking in the field of climate change adaptation. Due to the current lack of knowledge, on the technical level and in general, insufficient dispersion and actualization of information, and the fact that there are multiple actors and various sectors working in the field of adaptation, one of the main goals of the project is improvement and straightening of governance in this field. Finally, we want to make a step ahead towards the integration of adaptation to all the sectors, systems, resources and territories vulnerable to climate change.

The networking activities between LIFE MEDACC and LIFE SHARA projects have resulted in the participation of the partners (OCCC, CREAF, IPE and IRTA) in the elaboration of informative material on strategies of adaptation to climate change in the forestry and agricultural areas, tested in the framework of the LIFE MEDACC project.

Fundación biodiversidad (Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente)
